Thursday, November 24, 2011


Just a quick post to let you all know we made it to Thailand and are currently trying to figure out which of the numerous islands to bask in the sun on.

Nothing else to blog about just yet, so we'll leave you with some fun facts about our time in India.
In the past 2.5 months, we...

* Can count the number of times we've eaten meat on one hand
* Have not worn a seat belt
* Formed a new definition of an awesome bathroom: (toilet paper is present). And "best bathroom in all of India" definition: (toilet paper plus soap).
* Learned how to roll a cigarette on a camel
* Realized how much $ we're willing to fork over for a good cup of coffee
* Become oblivious to maneuvering around cows while walking the streets
* Increased our attention to feet placement while walking, but still managed to average stepping in poo once a week.
* Found the cheapest airport food in the world in Malaysia. (2 months of cheap food in India and we were still excited at the deals we found in the Kuala Lumpur Airport)


  1. that your trip is almost over, I will try harder to prove my technologically savvy self and just say that we have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your experiences. You seriously DO have a way with words and should definitely consider putting your thoughts into a book some day. I have no doubt it would be a best seller!

    It was great skyping with you at Thanksgiving. We wish we could have seen you in person. Have a wonderful Christmas in Indiana with family!

    By the way...if you need a few more days to adventure in the states until you figure out where on this planet you will land, the Hostetters do have a cabin nearby with no running water and no electricity that you would be welcome to stay in for a few days. (Gas stove and lights...yes.) The cabin also meets all of your bathroom requirements...toilet paper and soap. Your mom claims that you would love it there.

    Bon Voyage as you finish up your travels and journey home!

  2. Happy belated thanksgiving Masseytribe!

  3. hmm, beaches...warmness and rico lassi's and not so snowy like here...hmmm You are in a good place.
